At Techie Talent, we pride ourselves on being forward-thinking and adaptable in the face of rapid technological change. As we continue to navigate this dynamic landscape, we must consider the potential impacts of artificial intelligence within our organization, the broader industry, and society.
AI has already begun transforming numerous aspects of our work and life, from automating routine tasks to enabling sophisticated data analysis. The potential of AI is vast, but with this immense potential come significant questions and challenges regarding ethics, control, job displacement, privacy, and more.
As part of our commitment to staying at the cutting edge of these issues, we are preparing a series of posts to showcase different points of view from key figures within our organization. We aim to gather a wide range of insights on the impact and future of AI.
Today, experts Andrés Calviño, Pablo Marcello, Victoria Pena, Sebastián Chaves, and Fausto Patiño share their insights on AI's impact over the next 5 to 10 years. The article discusses AI's success factors, risks, and benefits across industries, including communication, code review, and operations. It emphasizes adaptability, ethical integration, and evolving developer roles, offering a concise overview of AI's transformative potential.

Andrés Calviño, Head of Organizational Capabilities

"The AI revolution is a fact, it is the topic of the moment, and as always happens in these cases, we become flooded with the pseudo-infinite wisdom of unknown erudits who suddenly become famous for their opinions, predictions, and analysis on the state of the art.

To explain to my grandmother Betty what the success of these AI technologies depends on, after witnessing her astonishment while talking with ChatGPT as if it were a person, I summarize it in 4 factors:

  1. The data that AI models use to train and "learn."
  2. The types of AI models.
  3. The resources needed for these models to train and learn effectively.
  4. The purpose of using these models.

Necessarily, these four factors must be non-exclusive and coherent. Shortcomings or difficulties in any of these make it unfeasible to have an AI solution that solves something useful and concrete.

Now, focusing on predictions, it is hard to be original or not to repeat the opinions of so many others that flood the literature and the news. However, one of those four previous factors will become a great source of commoditization and will multiply business opportunities, particularly in information security: the data that feeds AI models.

The problem of "data" in AI materializes in three variables that determine the efficiency of learning and the effectiveness of the model used:

  • Diversity of data sources: The diversity of data sources is crucial because it helps to produce a more robust and generalizable model.
  • Data quality: A reliable result needs data that is clean, relevant, and free from biases.
  • Volume of data: The more quality data we have, the more likely the model can learn and generalize correctly.

As we learn about the success of various AI-based applications to solve relevant concrete problems, the more valuable data becomes, and therefore the means to obtain, store, and protect them. Any system with some type of public interface will eventually be a possible data source for AI solutions, and we will see in the future the proliferation of communication and information exchange protocols that will become common in the design of APIs so that they can be "consumed" to feed AI models. And hand in hand with that consumption will appear new threats to the security of that data and services."

As Head of Organizational Capability, what new capabilities should our organization cultivate to embrace and benefit from AI advancements fully?

"The success of AI technologies depends exclusively on the possibilities of solving real, concrete, and relevant problems. Beyond technical skills in mastering these technologies, identifying these problems in specific contexts and assessing the impact of solutions based on these technologies is the ability that will position us as relevant players and provide a true competitive advantage."

Pablo Marcello, CFO at Techie Talent

"AI will definitely have a huge impact on our life, both in our professional and personal spheres. The potential for efficiency gains is substantial, stemming from the automation of routine and non-value-added tasks and advancements in machine learning, among other areas. However, as every opportunity arises, we should also be wondering about potential risks or drawbacks resulting from the rapid and sometimes unbelievable pace of changes we face daily.

The most common concern I hear is, "A software/machine will take my job." That concern is as true as you allow it to be. My main advice to keep that risk to a bare minimum is to keep these words at the top of your head: ADAPT, INVENT, and EMBRACE. Note: given the speed these AI changes will happen, all of these words should come with a "RE" at the beginning of each word. It will be challenging but exciting at the same time!

Lastly, as individuals, it can be challenging to resist the AI-driven changes we are or will be encountering. However, our collective responsibility as companies and as a society is to ensure AI's ethical, responsible, and transparent use. International laws must also add ADAPT (+RE) to this new technology wave."

As CFO of Techie Talent, how do you see AI impacting the financial aspect of our business, and what investment should we make in AI development?

"AI in Finance will have (and already has) a significant impact in all the areas we operate: automating reports, dashboards, executive presentations, invoicing, collections emails, and cash flow predictions, among many others. A critical condition for these outputs to be valuable is the REAL TIME accessibility. TT Finance will invest in this real-time automation if they positively impact our business, customers, and people." 

Victoria Pena, Software Developer

"The technological landscape has undergone numerous breakthroughs over the years, and when discussing the most significant advancements, the internet often takes center stage. However, after careful consideration, I couldn't help but wonder if the new AI advances are on a similar trajectory, poised to change our lives forever.  As a software developer, I have witnessed firsthand how AI, particularly ChatGPT, has become an indispensable tool in my daily work.

  • Communication: ChatGPT plays a vital role in proofreading me, especially when dealing with foreign languages. Its ability to provide quick and accurate suggestions ensures that my content is refined and error-free.

  • Investigation: The way we conduct research has undergone a profound transformation. While Stack Overflow used to be my go-to resource as a software developer, I now turn to ChatGPT first. I engage in a question-and-answer dialogue—akin to a conversation- fostering a more dynamic and efficient exploration of subjects.

  • Code Review: ChatGPT's capabilities extend beyond language assistance in my projects. It has proved to be a powerful ally in code reviews, helping identify issues and resolving conflicts swiftly, provided it is given sufficient context. Moreover, it simplifies mundane coding tasks, such as generating unit test cases or simulated data, making it an indispensable developer assistant.

While I acknowledge that ChatGPT is not infallible and requires occasional corrections, it has significantly streamlined my investigative, communicative, and coding processes compared to just a year ago. Its potential as a valuable resource is evident, particularly for those well-versed in a subject, as it offers diverse insights and resources. However, using the tool might confuse those less knowledgeable about a topic. To gain the best answers, one must formulate precise and well-informed questions.

I believe AI technology, like ChatGPT, is still finding its way, but its potential is immense. As it continues to evolve, I am confident it will remain an indispensable tool for professionals across various fields. Personally, having access to ChatGPT has been a game-changer, and I am eager to witness its future advancements and the opportunities it will create. The future of AI-assisted work is exciting, and I am optimistic about the possibilities it holds for us."

Sebastián Chaves, Head of Operations

"AI's continued development is something we need to consider for sure, as it is already having a significant impact on several industries. The recent improvements are fascinating and alarming because of the power some tools, like Chat GPT, can bring. However, we need to be cautious using these tools, as they may not always be “learning” from the right sources and providing the correct information. 

In summary, AI will significantly impact several industries (retail, the automotive industry, and logistics are great examples), but we need to proceed with secure steps."

As Head of Operations, how can AI streamline operations and improve efficiency in our organization?

"AI will provide (and is already providing) efficiency in repetitive tasks, freeing up our developers and engineers to focus on more complex, creative work. By assisting in planning, though not completely replacing human insight, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to predict risks or specific KPIs in large projects, helping make more informed decision-making.

In support-type projects, AI's capabilities in pattern recognition can identify solutions to issues; however, it's important to know that every project or client has unique requirements, which often need human creativity and problem-solving skills, which AI can't replicate.

While AI offers tremendous potential for streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency, it needs to be carefully integrated to complement the human aspect essential to our success."

Fausto Patiño, Senior Software Developer

"Within our company: The integration of AI into our processes has the potential to take productivity to higher levels. By automating repetitive tasks and optimizing procedures, our workforce could focus on more complex and creative tasks, allowing faster and more agile innovation. However, it's essential to be aware that this automation may require significant investment in training and adaptation, as mastering AI as a tool will become a vital skill.

In our industry: In the technological field, specifically in programming, I expect to see a decrease in the demand for programmers for conventional tasks, as AI can handle many of these jobs. Instead, roles will shift towards those who can manage, design, and supervise AI systems. Adapting and leading in this new paradigm will be essential to maintain relevance and competitiveness in our industry.

In society: As AI becomes more integrated into daily life, society will experience benefits and challenges. On the one hand, we will see improvements in efficiency, customization, and accessibility in areas such as health, education, and transportation. But at the same time, ethical and social concerns related to employment, privacy, and security will likely arise. A balanced and responsible approach to implementing AI will be crucial to maximizing the benefits and minimizing potential risks.

In summary, this is a crucial moment to lead the change in the era of Artificial Intelligence. The rapid evolution of AI presents a unique window of opportunity, where individuals and companies that successfully implement these technologies will be at a great advantage. Those who pioneer adapting and applying AI will optimize their processes, increase productivity, and lay the foundation for innovation and leadership in an ever-changing technological landscape."

And, as a Software Developer with many years of experience, what is your vision of how AI is changing software development? Recently, Thomas Dohmke, the CEO of GitHub, said "The collision of AI and software development will not lead to a decrease in developer jobs; it will lead to more developers accelerating human progress." He went on to add "I have resolved that AI and the software developer will remain inextricably linked for the rest of our lives." Do you agree with Thomas' vision?

"I agree with Thomas Dohmke's vision in the short term. The collision of AI and software development creates a synergistic environment where developers can accelerate human progress. Integrating AI into development processes unlocks new potentials and allows us to build software more efficiently and creatively. It fosters a new generation of developers who can innovate and find joy in their work.

However, looking at the long-term perspective, my view slightly diverges. As AI continues to evolve, it may be capable of replacing many jobs performed in front of a computer, including some aspects of programming. The nature of AI is such that its learning and adaptability may expand to cover tasks currently in human developers' domain.

Given this possibility, we, the programmers, must remain flexible and continually update our skills. The software development landscape will likely change, and we must be able to adapt to new roles and challenges. The relationship between AI and software developers will indeed remain inextricably linked, but the dynamics of this relationship may shift.

In conclusion, I align with Mr. Dohmke's optimism about the present and near future but caution that the long-term scenario might require us to be more adaptive and prepared for change. Our success as developers will lie in our ability to evolve along with the technology, taking on new roles and finding innovative ways to contribute to human progress."